Axial flux permanent magnet generator design challenges and solutions using EMS for SOLIDWORKS

In the last few years, Axial-Flux Permanent Magnet Machines has received renewed interest concerning various machine applications, such as wheel motor drives and portable generator sets. The coreless type of this machine can be a good candidate as the light and compact generator units being required for power generation on aboard ships, aircraft, or hybrid electric cars and buses which works with frequency around 400 Hz. Due to the 3D nature of this machine, 3D finite element analysis is required to analyze this type of machine.

In this webinar you will learn

  • How to model an axial flux permanent magnet generator in EMS.

  • How to conduct no load analysis of the machine.

  • How the type of magnets affects the generator voltage.

  • How different types of load can affect the generator output voltage by coupling FEA model to a circuit.

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