Design and Analysis of a Three-Phase Induction Motor Using Magnetic Equivalent Circuit (MEC) and Finite Element Methods (FEM)


Because of regular flux line patterns, the magnetic equivalent circuit method (MEC) is an effective method for designing and analyzing induction motors. MEC is fast and can be used for optimization when we have to investigate a high number of design samples. One disadvantage of the MEC method compared to the finite element method (FEM) is modeling time. The finite element method generates precise results while its modeling time is low (there are templates available in MotorWizard software, for instance), but simulation time is high. In the initial design stage, we can use the MEC method for motor sizing and optimization, and then we can focus on the FEM to validate results and design tuning. 

In this webinar, we will discuss step-by-step the design and analysis of a 0.75kW-1500rpm three-phase induction motor using both the MEC method and FEM. The EMWorks2D software is used for finite element analysis. The electromagnetic results of two methods, such as start-up speed, flux linkage, torque, etc., will be presented and compared.


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