How to use HFWorks to design a MIMO antenna system for wireless communication


MIMO or multiple input, multiple output has become a mainstream antenna technology for wireless communication due to its numerous advantages over MISO and SIMO systems.  It has been playing a key role in the deployment of 3GPP, 4G, LTE, or 5G technologies.  However, it is more challenging to design and maintain a MIMO system.  Thus, the need to use high frequency antenna simulation software early-on in the MIMO lifecycle. 

In this webinar, we shall take-you-by-the-hand and walk you through the process of using the virtual prototyping antenna software, HFWorks, to design an eight elements MIMO antenna array for mobile phone applications.  Towards the end of the webinar, we will show you how to study the effect of the MIMO on the operator head using the SAR and temperature distribution.   


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