Motion Coupling
Ideal for devices with moving parts, such as motors and actuators, ensuring precise motion analysis.
EMAG ist ein spezialisiertes Modul innerhalb von EMWORKS, das sich auf die Simulation elektromagnetischer Felder im Nieder- bis Mittelfrequenzbereich konzentriert. Entwickelt für Ingenieure und Forscher, bietet EMAG fortschrittliche Werkzeuge zur Analyse, Optimierung und Simulation elektromagnetischer Phänomene in verschiedenen Anwendungen wie elektrischen Maschinen, Aktuatoren, Sensoren, Transformatoren und mehr. Seine Vielseitigkeit und Präzision machen es zu einem unverzichtbaren Werkzeug für Branchen wie Automobilindustrie, Luft- und Raumfahrt, Medizintechnik und Energietechnik.
EMAG enables users to conduct a wide range of electromagnetic field analyses, ensuring detailed insights and accurate simulations. With its user-friendly interface and robust computational capabilities, EMAG is designed to handle complex geometries and intricate designs seamlessly.
Analyze electric and magnetic fields in full 3D geometry for enhanced design accuracy.
Perform planar and axis-symmetry simulations for reduced computational time without sacrificing precision.
Explore multiple design scenarios by varying key parameters, allowing for optimized performance and cost efficiency.
EMAG supports many specialized analysis types to meet diverse engineering needs
Das elektrische Leitungsmodul wird hauptsächlich zur Berechnung des Stromflusses in Leitern aufgrund von Spannungsunterschieden verwendet."
Software für die elektrische und elektrostatische Feldsimulation zur Berechnung des elektrischen und elektrostatischen Felds, das durch bekannte Ladungen und Spannungsverteilungen verursacht wird."
Das Wechselstrommagnetmodul von EMS wird zur Berechnung von Wechselströmen oder zeitlich harmonischen Strömen verwendet."
Das Transient Magnetic Module von EMS wird verwendet, um elektromagnetische Probleme im transienten Bereich zu simulieren."
For a holistic design approach, EMAG offers seamless integration with other physical domains.
Ideal for devices with moving parts, such as motors and actuators, ensuring precise motion analysis.
Assess mechanical stresses and deformations caused by electromagnetic forces.
Evaluate heat generation and dissipation to optimize thermal management in electrical devices.
EMAG can simulate and optimize transformer design parameters, providing engineers with critical insights:
EMAG accurately calculates the parasitic resistance, inductance, and capacitance (RLC) in 3D structures. These calculations are crucial for:
EMAG supports advanced NDT applications, leveraging electromagnetic simulations to improve safety and reliability
Detect defects in conductive materials using precise eddy current simulations.
Simulate leakage fields to identify structural weaknesses in materials.
Assess subsurface defects in conductive components.
Model magnetic flux distribution to optimize NDT processes.
EMAG’s capabilities are suited to a variety of industries and applications, including:
EMAG is widely used in industries such as
For electric motors, actuators, and inverters.
To optimize sensors and high-performance transformers.
For precise simulations of electromagnetic devices used in medical applications.
To enhance the efficiency of transformers and high-voltage equipment.
Learn how EMAG can transform your engineering designs and streamline your product development process