New in EMS 2011
EMS 2011 is the fifth release of EMS as a Gold Certified add-in to SolidWorks.
This is a major new release that incorporates motion simulation, an important new
feature long awaited by our users. Additionally, this release also incorporates several
new features at the meshing/preprocessing, solving and post-processing levels.
To help our users increase their productivity, we have significantly improved the
report viewing and editing by providing an embedded Word report viewer. Now users
can view and edit their reports in Microsoft Word format without leaving the
EMS/Solidworks environement.
New in User Interface
• Tool tip added to EMS Feature manager tree. The tool tip gives full details
about your material, boundary condition, mesh, plot, etc. to avoid unnecessary
mouse clicks.
• Results tables: results tables are now accessible and resizable directly through
a single mouse click
• EMViewer License: This is a special license that allows users to open EMS
studies, browse all settings, view results and have full access to all postprocessing
operations without requiring a full EMS license. By default, studies
are opened in view-only mode, which allows users to modify existing
plots,create new ones and generate new reports. A read-only option, which
does not allow any modifications is also available to users and can be selected
at the time of opening the study. The EMViewer does not allow users to
create studies or run an analysis.
New in Meshing & Pre-Processing
• 3D Mesh Pre-processing: Visualize and analyze the 3D mesh before launching
the solver. Because meshing is critical to solution accuracy and speed, EMS
now provides users unparalleled mesh viewing capabilities. This powerful
feature allows users to visually inspect the mesh in a clear and uncluttered
manner before launching the solver. It includes probing, section viewing and
iso-clipping of the 3D mesh.
• Improved Meshing: In addition to existing mesh controls on faces and
components, which already give users complete control over the meshing
process, new meshing features in EMS 2011 make meshing even faster and more
robust. A new way of computing global element size has been added and mesh
controls can now be applied to make the mesh coarser of finer. These features
increase the mesher’s robustness considerably so that users will have more first
time success in creating meshes.
• Material Library: enhanced EMS built-in material library including many new
non-linear materials and material loss parameters.
Coupled Motion Analysis
Using SolidWorks Motion, you carry out coupled motion analysis with any of EMS's
solvers. By using SolidWorks Motion, users have access to multiple to combined power
of SolidWorks and EMS in the easiest and most user friendly manner. The power of
SolidWorks' Motion simulator means EMS users have access to multiple degrees of
freedom and complex motion scenarios. No other electromagnetic solver offers this
• With the coupling to motion, the following features are available to users:
• Computed back EMF
• Multiple motion motors operating simultaneously in SolidWorks Motion
• Support for both Linear (translational) and rotational motors
• Full animation of the CAD model and the field results.
Exclude From Analysis
When analyzing complex assemblies, you can select single or multiple components to
be excluded from the simulation. This feature is available in all EMS solvers and is
applicable to individual studies, i.e., different studies can have different excluded
Electrostatic & Electric Conduction Analyses
• Compute Capacitance: users will access computed capacitance results after a
good run.
• Precision control: Users can now choose from three levels of precision, Normal,
High and Very High, when performing Electrostatic or Conduction analyses.
This feature helps users capture highly varying electric fields and currents with
increased precision.
• True floating conductors: the floating conductor boundary condition is now
treated differently in EMS. Whereas the solver internally assigned a different
voltage (1 or 0) to each floating conductor in previous release, now it treats
floating conductors as equipotential bodies/surfaces with unknown potential
values to be computed. This approach is more realistic and accurate than
alternative options such as specifying a large permittivity to a conductor in
order to consider it truly floating.
Magnetostatic Analysis
• Compute Circuit Parameters: users will access computed circuit parameters
results after a good run.
• Coil Modeling: coil modeling in EMS is now substantially improved. Wound coils
can now be defined using the wire gage (using AWG standard sizes) or the wire
• Coil Excitation: in addition to the existing current driven coil excitation, a
voltage driven coil can now be defined. The external voltage source’s
resistance can be specified.
• Coil DC Resistance: the coil’s DC resistance is now accurately and automatically
computed based on the AWG/diameter specification.
• Applied Current Density: the computation of the applied current density
distribution has been improved for wound coils to reflect its uniform nature
due to insulation between wires.
• Normal Flux Boundary Condition: the use of the normal flux boundary condition
on an outer face, which was required for uniqueness of the solution, in no
longer necessary. EMS now uses a new technique based on the tree-cotree
branch cuts to ensure solution uniqueness. The normal flux boundary condition
can still be used to applicable symmetry situations.
AC-Magnetic Analysis
• Split Core Loss: loss results now give Hysteresis, Ohmic, Eddy and Excess losses
separately in addition to the overall loss. Loss density distributions can be
viewed with EMS’s standard visualization tools.
• Compute Circuit Parameters: users will access computed circuit parameters
results upon a successful run completion.
• Coil Modeling: coil modeling in AC-Magnetic analysis has been enhanced to
include AWG standard specs for wound coils.
• Coil Excitation and Coupling to External Circuits: voltage driven coil can now be
defined along with an RLC external circuit.
• Normal Flux Boundary Condition: the use of the normal flux boundary in ACMagnetic
analysis has been modified as in the case of Magnetostatic analysis.
• Loss Input: users have the option of importing manufacturer’s loss data through
a file or entering it manually using EMS’s standard curve definition interface.
Alternatively, users can use Steinmetz loss model and specify the proper
coefficients for their material.
• Lamination: users can now define laminated materials through EMS’s standard
material editor. As with other EMS materials users can create, edit and save
their own laminated materials libraries.
• New Computed Parameters: voltages, currents, impedance matrices, coupling
coefficients between coils and various loss terms. Leakage inductance is also
computed for two conductor systems.
• Multiply Connected Conductor Regions: conductors with one or more holes
inside, i.e., multiply connected, require careful attention to obtain a unique
solution. EMS now uses an automatic and more efficient approach to solving
multiply connected regions that ensures solution uniqueness with speed and
Transient Analysis
• Compute Inductance : now Circuit Parameters: users will access computed
circuit parameters results after a good run.
• Thermal Analysis : user can run thermal analysis and access the thermal results
after a good run.
• Coil Modeling, Coil Excitation and Normal Flux Boundary Condition: these
features are implemented in the Transient Analysis in similar manner to the
AC-Magnetic analysis.
• Coil Excitation Functions: in addition to the existing curve-based excitation
definitions, users can now define excitation by functions. Implemented
functions include: sinusoidal, exponential, pulse and single frequency FM
(SFFM) current and voltage sources.
• Non-linear Transient Solver: improved stability and convergence.
New in Result Viewing
• Advanced 3D Spline Probing: generates a 2-plot along spline curve cuts
through the model for any computed quantity (fluxes, fields, currents,
temperature, etc). This feature allows users to probe results along arbitrarily
curved lines in their model gaining access to otherwise hard to view data.
• New Results: more 3D plots type are computed, like Voltage and Flux.
• New Results: more 3D and tabular results are computed for Core Loss, Ohmic
Loss, Hysteresis Loss, Excess Loss, etc.
• 3D Plots Animation: plots from different studies can be animated in the same
plot window or saved to video file. This animation feature is available in the
following cases:
o Any study type with motion results
o Transient Magnetic study type with results
o AC magnetic Study type with results
• 3D Plots Exports: 3D plots from different studies can be exported in 3D format
to a Paraview (open source standalone 3D viewer for Windows/Unix/Mac, etc.)
• 2D Plots: Added text annotation to all reference point associated with a 2D
• 2D Plots: plots from different studies and different configuration can now be
superimposed in one window.
• Comparison of Study Results: tabular results from different studies and
different configurations can now be compared through 2D plots.
• Report: Embedded HTML and Word Doc Viewer allowing to view reports inside