Simulation of axial flux machines in EMS/SolidWorks


Axial flux machines have an overall shorter flux path compared to radial machines. As a result, an axial machine has higher power density, developing 30-40% more torque than a radial machine of equal size. In addition, the windings in axial machines experience less heat.  No wonder, they are experiencing a higher demand in novel applications such as hybrid and electric cars.  However, the design and fabrication of the axial machines are more challenging. 

In this webinar, we will show you step-by-step how to use EMS and SolidWorks to model and simulate axial flux machines.  For example, we will show you:
- How to perform a load and no-load analyses.
- How to investigate the impact of magnet types and their arrangements on the performance of the machine.
- How to compute the temperature due to the different losses in the machine.

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