How to Design an Efficient Terahertz Bandpass Filter?


The remarkable explosion of wireless devices and bandwidth-consuming Internet applications have boosted the demand for ultra-high data rate wireless communication. To meet the exponentially increasing traffic demand, new regions in the radio spectrum are explored. The terahertz band (0.1 THz-10 THz), sandwiched between microwave frequencies and optical frequencies, is considered as the next breakthrough-point to revolutionize the communication technology due to its rich spectrum resources. It is recognized as a promising candidate for the future 6G communication.  

Bandpass filters are indispensable components for Terahertz communication. They are used to reduce and filter out signal interference and distortion. Terahertz bandpass filters have wide applications in imaging, spectroscopy, security systems and detection of materials. Although they have promising advantages, they also have some challenges and limitations.  For instance, the frequency, conductivity, and surface roughness can have a major effect on the filter performance.

In this webinar, we will discuss some of the filter design challenges; we shall show you how to use 3D high frequency electromagnetic simulation software to address those challenges and improve the filter performance at THz frequencies.


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