How to Maintain a Stable Communication With Your Drone?


In recent years, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), or drones have been widely adopted by many diverse industries and organizations, including military, public services, commercial, and even private individuals. The capability of drones to fly, carry an object and fly autonomously has made this technology life-changing in various ways. The military employs them for security and surveillance; rescue teams use them for 3D mapping of disasters; even the food industry is joining the wagon to make food delivery faster and easier. Just like any radio-controlled device, drones, quadcopters, or UAVs require antennas for their functioning. For successful operation of the drone mission, the communication between the drone and a remote control (RC) must be stable to avoid losing the drone. The instability, the drag issues, and interference are the main challenges that hamper the performance of the drones. 

In this webinar, we will cover some of the drone design challenges and show you how to use 3D high frequency electromagnetic simulation software to maintain a stable communication with your drone and ultimately not lose it.


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