HFWorks 2016 is a Gold Certified add-in to SolidWorks.
This is a major new release of the software that incorporates several new features at the meshing and pre-processing, solving and post-processing levels.
Below are some of the new capabilities that have been added in this release to provide users with more comprehensive simulation options and a more complete set of results.
Thermal Analysis. Coupling to transient thermal simulation.
Parametric Analysis. New and improved design to parameterize geometry dimensions.
Paradiso Multi-core Direct solver. New and faster multicore solver type.
Precision Control. User can switch between High and Normal Accuracy solution. High Accuracy will results in longer run time but more accurate results.
Improved Meshing: property manager pages. In addition to existing mesh controls on faces, Edges and components, which already give users complete control over the meshing process, new meshing features in HFWorks 2016 make meshing even faster and more robust. A new way of computing global element size has been added and mesh controls can now be applied to make the mesh coarser of finer. These features increase the mesher’s robustness considerably so that users will have more first time success in creating meshes.
Viewing Results
New results folder where user can create custom tables and 2D plots for the available parameters given as solver output.
New way of creating, editing 3D and 2D plots. Added new options to create a contour line plot or overlay mesh in case of 3D plot. Improved animation of 3D plots with new options.
New results visualization for vector plots. All components of the results like X,Y,Z,XY,XZ..etc can be viewed as vectors.
Safety Factor Plot : Introduced new plot folder computing electric breakdown based on electric field results and the material electric strength value. when breakdown occurs an automatic plot will be added, after solving, showing the user where the breakdown is located.
User Interface
Tabbed property manager pages. Enable user to access all relevant properties in one page.
New HFWorks fly out menu when user selects geometry entities. Enable user to use on screen selection to apply materials, Loads/Restraints..etc. Convenient for complicated geometry.
Upgraded version of HFWorks Feature manager tree view. New menu items that enable user to Isolate/Show/Hide materials items. Enable user to Suppress/Unsuppress defined pre-processor conditions. Also include/exclude postprocessor items in generating reports. Sorting Materials tree items based on applied materials..
Upgrade version of Material browser control. Added new materials, added all relevant thermal properties. Added also electric strength property.