AC Magnetic Analysis with EMWorks

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AC Magnetic Analysis: Harnessing the Power of Alternating Magnetic Fields

AC Magnetic Analysis, a critical branch of electromagnetic analysis, focuses on understanding the behavior and impact of alternating magnetic fields in various applications. Unlike its static counterpart, Magnetostatics, AC Magnetic Analysis deals with dynamic magnetic fields that constantly change over time. This dynamic nature opens a wide range of possibilities and challenges in engineering, design, and research across diverse industries. At its core, AC Magnetic Analysis revolves around the study of how alternating magnetic fields interact with materials, components, and systems. It encompasses a spectrum of phenomena, including electromagnetic induction, magnetic resonance, eddy currents, and more.

Key Features and Benefits of AC Magnetic Analysis

AC Magnetic Analysis, a crucial component of electromagnetic simulation, offers a range of key features and benefits that empower engineers, researchers, and designers across various industries. Understanding these features and advantages is essential for harnessing the full potential of AC Magnetic Analysis in optimizing electromagnetic systems. Let's explore them in detail:

1. Time-Varying Magnetic Field Analysis:

AC Magnetic Analysis specializes in modeling and analyzing magnetic fields that change over time. It provides insights into how magnetic fields evolve, enabling engineers to optimize designs for efficiency and performance under dynamic conditions.

2. Inductive Component Assessment:

This analysis focuses on inductive components like coils, inductors, and solenoids. Engineers can evaluate their behavior, including energy storage and release, in response to time-varying currents or voltages.

3. Coupling and Mutual Inductance Analysis:

AC Magnetic Analysis enables the study of interactions between different components within an electromagnetic system. This includes assessing how magnetic fields generated by one component affect others, critical for designing efficient transformers and inductive sensors.

4. Eddy Current Investigation:

Dynamic magnetic fields can induce eddy currents in nearby conductive materials, leading to energy losses and heating. AC Magnetic Analysis helps identify and mitigate these effects, ensuring optimal device performance.

5. Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Assessment:

Ensuring that electronic devices function harmoniously in the presence of dynamic magnetic fields is vital. AC Magnetic Analysis aids in EMC assessment, identifying potential interference issues and optimizing designs for compatibility.

6. Magnetic Material Characterization:

AC Magnetic Analysis models and characterizes the behavior of magnetic materials, providing critical data for designing efficient magnetic circuits, sensors, and devices.

7. Multi-Physics Integration:

Seamlessly integrates with other physics simulations, such as thermal, structural, and fluid dynamics analyses, enabling a comprehensive understanding of complex system interactions.

8. Optimized Designs:

By analyzing time-varying magnetic fields, AC Magnetic Analysis fine-tunes electromagnetic system designs for maximum efficiency, reduced losses, and enhanced overall performance.

9. Energy Efficiency:

Helps minimize energy losses caused by eddy currents and other magnetic effects, contributing to the development of energy-efficient devices and systems.

10. Enhanced Reliability:

Designs created with AC Magnetic Analysis are more reliable and durable, leading to increased system longevity and reduced maintenance costs.

11. Safety Assurance:

Ensures safe operation by preventing overheating or unwanted interference in electromagnetic devices and systems, which is crucial for both consumer and industrial applications.

12. Innovation Facilitation:

Supports the development of cutting-edge technologies by providing insights into complex magnetic phenomena, driving progress and technological advancements.

13. Regulatory Compliance:

It helps meet stringent regulatory requirements in industries with safety and performance standards, ensuring products are compliant and safe for use.

14. Cost Savings:

Reduces energy consumption, material usage, and the need for costly modifications, resulting in significant cost savings during the design and manufacturing phases.
AC Magnetic Analysis is a versatile tool that empowers professionals to optimize electromagnetic systems, improve energy efficiency, enhance reliability, and ensure safety and compliance with regulatory standards. Its ability to integrate with other simulations and facilitate innovation makes it indispensable in various industries, from electronics and automotive to renewable energy and aerospace.

Applications and Devices for AC Magnetic Analysis

AC Magnetic Analysis finds applications across various industries and is instrumental in optimizing numerous devices and systems. Here's a partial list of applications and devices where AC Magnetic Analysis plays a pivotal role:


Analyzing magnetic fields and losses to enhance the efficiency and performance of power transformers.


Designing inductors for electronic circuits to achieve desired inductance values.

Motors and Generators:

Optimizing the design of electric motors and generators for improved energy conversion.

Magnetic Sensors:

Developing highly sensitive magnetic sensors for applications like automotive position sensing.

Magnetic Recording Devices:

Ensuring the accuracy and reliability of data storage devices like hard drives and magnetic tapes.

Wireless Charging Systems:

Designing efficient wireless charging pads for electric vehicles and portable devices.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI):

Enhancing the imaging quality and performance of medical MRI machines.

Electromagnetic Levitation Systems:

Analyzing magnetic fields to stabilize and control levitating objects in transportation and industrial applications.

Magnetic Particle Inspection (MPI):

Detecting surface and subsurface defects in ferrous materials for quality control.

Magnetic Separation:

Designing efficient systems for separating magnetic materials in industries like mining and recycling.

Induction Heating:

Optimizing the heating process in induction cooktops and industrial induction furnaces.

Magnetic Bearings:

Developing frictionless bearing systems for high-speed machinery and advanced robotics.

Electromagnetic Clutches and Brakes:

Enhancing the efficiency and reliability of clutch and brake systems in vehicles and industrial equipment.

Magnetic Couplings:

Designing magnetic couplings for hermetically sealed rotating equipment in chemical and food processing.

Magnetic Latches and Locks:

Creating secure and reliable magnetic locks for doors and cabinets.

Magnetic Suspension Systems:

Analyzing magnetic forces to enable smooth and precise suspension in high-speed trains and maglev transportation.

EMI Shielding:

Optimizing electromagnetic interference (EMI) shielding in electronic devices and circuits.

Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (MRS):

Improving the accuracy of chemical analysis in spectroscopy applications.

Magnetic Hyperthermia:

Designing systems for targeted cancer therapy using magnetic nanoparticles.

Magnetic Valve Actuators:

Improving the efficiency and reliability of valve control in industrial processes.

Magnetic Suspension Wind Turbines:

Enhancing wind turbine efficiency and reducing maintenance requirements.

Magnetic Cooling Systems:

Developing eco-friendly refrigeration systems with no greenhouse gas emissions.

Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC):

Ensuring electronic devices and systems function without interference in various environments.

Wireless Communication Devices:

Optimizing the performance of wireless communication antennas and systems.

Magnetic Particle Brachytherapy:

Advancing cancer treatment by optimizing the delivery of radioactive particles to tumors.

Particle Accelerators:

Analyzing magnetic fields in particle accelerators for scientific research and medical applications.

Magnetic Door Sensors:

Enhancing the security and energy efficiency of automated doors in buildings.

Electromagnetic Sensors in Automotive:

Improving the functionality of sensors in vehicles, including ABS systems and collision avoidance systems.

Magnetic Actuators in Robotics:

Designing precise and efficient magnetic actuators for robotic applications.

Magnetic Fluids:

Developing magnetic fluid suspensions for various applications, including sealing and damping.

Magnetic Ink Character Recognition (MICR):

Ensuring the accuracy of magnetic ink reading in check processing systems.

Magnetic Valve Actuators:

Improving the efficiency and reliability of valve control in industrial processes.

Magnetic Suspension Wind Turbines:

Enhancing wind turbine efficiency and reducing maintenance requirements.

Magnetic Cooling Systems:

Developing eco-friendly refrigeration systems with no greenhouse gas emissions.

Magnetic Particle Brachytherapy:

Advancing cancer treatment by optimizing the delivery of radioactive particles to tumors.
This comprehensive list underscores the versatility and significance of AC Magnetic Analysis across a wide spectrum of industries and technological domains. It plays a crucial role in optimizing devices, ensuring safety, and advancing research and development efforts.



The AC Magnetic module outputs the following results for each study at each frequency:

  • Magnetic field

  • Magnetic flux density

  • Current density

  • Eddy current

  • Force density

  • Inductance matrix

  • Flux linkage

  • Resistance

  • Impedance

  • Core loss

  • Eddy loss

  • Hysteresis loss

  • Ohmic loss

  • Current

  • Voltage

  • Force

  • Torque

  • Stored energy

  • Temperature

  • Temperature gradient

  • Heat flux